On Sunday evening, Entourage came to a close after eight successful seasons when HBO aired the final episode of the popular series. The coming-of-age story of Vincent Chase, Eric Murphy, Johnny Chase, Turtle and their glitzy Hollywood pals (including the unforgettable talent manager Ari Gold) ended on a high note with all of the show's main characters going their own way and broadening their horizons elsewhere. It's a great set-up for the Entourage motion picture that is currently in the works.
Over the past eight years, Entourage has become a bonafide pop culture phenomenon that has used music to amplify its weekly storytelling. This has not only consistently given the show an uber-cool cachet, it has also helped raise many young new acts out of obscurity and into the limelight.
Entourage's music supervisor Scott Vener has programmed both iconic orinals and emerging new tracks for the show's eight seasons to set the perfect tone for all ninety-six episodes. From Led Zeppelin's "Going To California" (as the show's farewell song) to tunes by artists like Chester French, Street Lab, The Verve, Pravda, White Denim, One Republic and many, many others.
In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard, Vener explains how he does not rely on pitches but rather pro-actively scouts for music to create a unique list of songs for each episode that is always on the pulse of what hip and happening. "We're trying to set the bar for what we think is cool," he explains. "Anything that is currently charting, if it's been in our show, it's because I had it first, and it wasn't charting when I locked the music in."
Social media and blogs in particular have become an essential part for Vener (who was formerly with MTV) to keep his ear on the pulse of what's new and next. He explains, "Like the Weeknd, for instance -- I don't think most music supervisors were on that, and that was something I discovered from watching people talk about it on Twitter and music blogs," he tells The Hollywood Reporter. "The people who have the best taste in music are the 30 music blogs that I go to on a daily basis -- and they don't even know they work for me."
If you're interested in staying on Vener's beat, make sure to follow him on Tumblr. Scott compiled a Spotify playlist with a selection of tunes from the final season of Entourage that I turned into a Rdio widget playlist that you can stream and download after the break.
A fun, pop tune deserves a fun, pop video. And that's the best way to describe the brand-spanking new video for "No I.D," the poptastic, Eurovision-styled duet between Frankmusik and his label mate Colette Carr.
Frank and Colette lather on the pop goodness with some good 'ole Grease and retro flair in this colorful mini music flick that is a perfect match for the care-free, feel-good quality of the song.
Dressed in a black, tight leather jacket and crisp white tee, Frank is hanging with his pals at the bleachers reminiscent of John Travolta in the movie Grease, while leading lady Colette is bubbly and cute in polka dots as a modern-day Olivia Newton-John in her high school cafeteria.
The two meet up at a Mini Cooper drag race in downtown LA where Frankmusik pushes his pedal to the metal "and goes hard in the downtown party" to show his love for that sassy Carr creature.
The best scenes of the video may be when these two on-screen love birds appear together and their off-screen chemistry splashes all over the screen. It's a moment of Grease lightning that is so much fun to watch. It's a great, tightly produced video that will be a steady push for this new single.
Also, look out for a dancing cameo by spectacled pop singer Simon Curtis in Frank's bleachers. Watch Frankmusik feat Colette Carr "No I.D." after the break and download "No I.D." right here.
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